Tuesday, 18 February 2014

What a Groovy Mum looks like

Thanks to the lovely Kate for making us Mums feel groovy, this week her son let her know why she was groovy. Read it here http://kateonthinice.com/grooving/what-a-groovy-mum-looks-like/

So I thought I'd ask C what she thought of me.

Well, she is 5 this may have been a mistake. I got a lot of babble not all of it I can remember but here goes.

Am I a good mum?
Yes, you are great.
Aw thanks, why?
You help me when I need it
You can draw me anything (this is not strictly true, I'm pretty rubbish at drawing she is easy pleased)
You make things with me like cakes and other stuff
You cook nice stuff
You always do things with me that I want to do, like dancing and soft play and swimming and parks and bike rides and ..... This went on for a bit but you get the idea
You make posters for me
You make banners for me
You help me mend things if I break them, like when I hit daddy my mistake (I'm not sure what I mended here)
You can do anything
You help me make things
You help me do things I want to do
You are just great I love you - big hug ensued

I did consider asking if there was anything she didn't like but decided to leave on a high. As a full time working mum who often has to go away with work it made me very happy that she feels I do so much with her, especially as I feel I constantly say no and in a minute.


  1. It's great that they can find so many good things to say about us, even though we feel guilty so much of the time that we are not doing enough x

  2. Such a lovely list. I have to say I got quite a lot of good things said by my little ones about me too. Was nice to hear as they don't tell me often that's for sure :)

  3. Awww, what a lovely list from your daughter. Kids can be so sweet :-) #Groovymums

  4. I think this was a good task that I set for mums. I only did it because I was so knackered that day so asked my son to do the work/thinking. As it turns out, it seems to have been one of the best yet for getting mums thinking good about themselves. There is learning in that.
    Your are clearly adored!
